Dewhurst Ltd
Unit 9 Hampton Business Park
Hampton Road West
TW13 6DB
t: +44 (0)20 8744 8200
f: +44 (0)20 8744 8299
Dewhurst has been specialising in fixtures for as long as it has in pushbuttons. Our fixtures are best known for their revolutionary design and flexibility.
Whether the job is for a new lift, a repair or modernisation, we can manufacture any fixture that is required. Fully equipped with top of the range new machinery at our UK factory, we have a CNC laser cutter that cuts out the faceplate more precisely and at a faster speed. Customise your fixtures either at our paint shop where we can powder coat them in any (RAL/CMYK) colour or have them made in Rimex, Blackburns Metals or other materials as per your needs.
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